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  • Publication Center

Publication Center

Language : 日本語

Publication Center for Pure and Applied Physics

For any academic society, a journal of the discipline that could present the latest in research to the international community is invaluable. The presentation in a conference/meeting as well as all the discussions about it is completed only when it is published as a journal article. Therefore, the publication of a journal is among the most important activities of any academic society.

On the other hand, the publishing of academic journals is coming to a major turning point, largely due to the two factors of concentration of publication by the major academic societies in the advanced nations and major publishers, and the digitization of publishing.

The JPS, in order to make the process of publishing and distributing its English language journal more efficiently, created in April 2004, in cooperation with the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) and the Institute for Pure and Applied Physics (IPAP). The JPS has commissioned the publication of its Journal of the Physics Society of Japan (JPSJ) to the IPAP, as has the Japan Society of Applied Physics its Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) and Optical Review. Since its birth, activities of the IPAP, including the initiation of digital publication, have borne much fruit, but further innovation has become necessary with new developments as have been mentioned above. In 2008, the JPS and the JSAP have decided to change the status of the IPAP from an independent organization to an internal division of the two academic associations, changing its name into Publication Center for Pure and Applied Physics. It now publishes JPSJ, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP), and JPS Conference Proceedings, as well as JJAP and Applied Physics Express (APEX).

At the new Center, staff from the two societies join their force in the publication of the journals. The Center is run by the members from both societies, which also search the future form that academic journals should take.

*The Publication Center for Pure and Applied Physics was dissolved as of March 31, 2024.